Behind the bottle: Food and wine is serious business in the Campania region

Come to the Campania region for the beautiful scenery and immersive culture, but stay for the unbeatable food and wine. 


When visitors plan a trip to the Campania region, they may have been influenced by seeing stunning pictures of the Amalfi coast or perhaps they were tempted by the thought of exploring the rich history and architecture. They might have even heard that the food and wine is pretty good too. However, it’s not until they’ve visited the region and tried its culinary delights for themselves, that visitors realise food and wine are as big a part of Campania’s rich tapestry as its historic landmarks and legendary volcanos. 


Wine tourism in Campania is alive and kicking. This is mainly due to the fact that the grape varieties native to the region grow in some of the areas that have the most tourist footfall. Wine educator, Nina Cerullo explains the unique experience that this creates for visitors:


“Wine tourism in Campania is absolutely brilliant. There are so many historical places to visit and at the same time, you can see a vineyard. You can be walking up Vesuvius and there are vineyards on the side of Vesuvius. You go down to the temples of Paestum and on the hillsides there, there are vineyards.”


Whether you’re wandering the hills of Irpinia, where Donna Elvira’s winery is located, or through the historic streets of Naples, it’s impossible not to notice the vastness of the vineyards that reside in the Campania region. The abundance of wine varieties produced here is appreciated by tourists and residents alike, who enjoy wine as a staple accompaniment to most evening meals. Dinner is a meal that is taken very seriously in Italy, as Tony, owner and producer of Donna Elvira wines, explains.

Behind the bottle Food and wine is serious business in the Campania Region

“Here, the big thing is, when you get up in the morning, ‘what are you going to have for dinner?’ It needs to be thought out… It’s so important to Italians. They need to know what they’re going to eat next and they need to make sure they’ve got the ingredients for it, whereas we find ourselves in the rat race, in the UK; ‘when we get back tonight, we’ll see what’s there.’”


The good news is that you don’t have to visit the Campania region to get a taste for its food and drink culture. An Italian dinner-time experience can be created in your own home, using really good, simple ingredients. Something which Tony is fond of doing, whether he’s in the UK or in Italy.


“Take three or four ingredients and…10/15 minutes to prepare – the time to boil your pasta. Sometimes less is more… olive oil, fresh tomatoes, garlic, basil and some spaghetti, done quickly in a pan, ten minutes, amazing…people have to try it themselves.”


Of course, no Italian dinner is complete without wine. Produced in the Campania region, using grapes from Tony’s family Vineyards, Donna Elvira wines are truly Italian and are the perfect way for wine-lovers to enjoy a taste of the Campania region. From our Greco di Tufo to our Falanghina, each bottle is lovingly made and ready to purchase through our online shop.

All Donna Elvira wines are available to purchase via the online shop

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